Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Extra Credit

I am going to take a break from writing about my Office Design project and instead write about the extra credit assignment that accompanies it. The assignment requested that I design one room to be my personal interior design office and that it should be 15' x 15'. I decided to do my space planning in Revit since I had been using AutoCAD for my other coursework and felt that I could use a refresher. Revit is nice because it adjusts my text sizes accordingly.
I feel that I have been using too many spring greens, teal, and sky blues, I decided to go for a different color scheme this time, which includes red, yellow, blue, white, black, and gray. I was very excited to render my SketchUp views for this mini project.

Though my ceiling design is simple, I am very happy with its correspondence to the windows and using the colors to create balance on every surface of the space.

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